A List of Black Owned California Farms to Support Right Now

Photo by Etty Fidele

Today—Juneteenth—I’ve been tuning in to a broadcast by A Growing Culture, called The Hunger for Justice Series (“a weekly live broadcast about how we shape a post-COVID food system”) and came across a Google Doc where they’ve been compiling a list of black owned farms and related organizations that support black farmers all across the United States and Canada. It’s such an amazing resource, and I’ve listed the California farms and organizations below.

If I know one thing, it’s that money talks. I’ve always been a firm believer—and have observed it over and over again throughout my life—that our purchasing dollars are some of the most powerful tools we have to be able to change the way our food system works. Many of our readers are fortunate enough to be able to have access to a multitude of food sources and can make these important purchasing choices regularly. You may already recognize some of these businesses from your local farmers’ market, or from our pages, or from a recent news story elsewhere. I urge you to click on any business in your area that you might not be familiar with. Learn about them. Head to their online farm shop. Follow them on social media. Share with a friend.

Let’s use our purchasing dollars to support!

Adventures to Dreams, Long Beach

Balakian Farms, Fresno county

Black Earth Farms, Bay Area

Brown Girl Farms, Bay Area

City Slicker Farm, Oakland

Farms to Grow, Oakland

Feed Our Soul, South LA

Five Finger Farms, Humboldt County

IGH Gardens, Bell

LA Green Grounds, South LA

Organic Harvest Gardens, Long Beach

Pinehouse Edible Gardens, Oakland

R. Kelley Farms, Sacramento

Raised Roots, Bay Area

Ron Finley Project, South LA

Soul Flower Farm, Bay Area

The Seeds of Xanxadu, Fontana

The Yisreal Family Urban Farm, Sacramento

Scott’s Family Farm, Fresno, CA

If I missed anyone, kindly send us a message and we’ll be happy to add it to the list.


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Kelli Olson

over 1 year ago

I’m am a black female veteran looking for land for sale to start a city garden in San Diego California. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. navylady7@gmail.com is my email address.

Mama Amina

over 1 year ago

Mary. Parks

about 2 years ago

Thank you. I’m Black female and interested in purchasing land and starting a farm in the East Bay Area. I have been searching for some contact. This list helps very much.
Mary Parks (510) 414-8171.


almost 3 years ago

This is great!! I would really like to have a farmers market closer to me the problem is the larger city near me (riverside) has two weekly so most of the farmer and vendors are there. Most of the farmers on this list is in no. Cal and I am in So. Cal. Back to the drawing board. Much love and support

Ricky johnson

over 3 years ago

In South dos palose We own 22 acres my grandfather been there since 1930 we Have control over water pipe that was put in there in 1968


over 3 years ago

So glad for this invaluable resource, thank you for making this information available!

William Johnson

about 4 years ago

Wonderful work, thank you!

Gim Lawrence

over 4 years ago

I am a new farmer growing various vegtables I have been growing pumkins and corn for 5years.I am located in The Antelope Valley I would like to become apart of The Black Farmers.
Thank you

Matt Weber

about 2 years ago

Gim, I would like to get in touch with you. I work at Paving the Way Foundation as well as the Children’s Center of the Antelope Valley. I want to support Black Farmers. Call or email me: 661-365-8427. Matt@pavingthewayfd.com

Christine Do

over 3 years ago

Hi Gim-

Do you have a website or more information about your farm? I am planning a small project and would be interested in connecting with you.


almost 4 years ago

Hi Gem,

Please provide your contact information, web-site, location, etc. of your business and I will definitely support you. I am particularly interested in buying -corn.

E-mail: Christophergpsn@yahoo.com


about 4 years ago

Interested in your comment. I live in Antelope Valley and interested in doing a project.

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